Technology and trends are changing constantly and tactics for marketing your restaurant or food service business should change right along with it.  Traditional marketing programs still work today, but new strategies, ie; the internet, social networking and environmental marketing are now key components that must be added to your marketing mix.

Some new marketing ideas to follow are:

Good Press — In order to get good press, think out of the box.  Be a community activist, make creative changes, partner with a charity, host newsworthy event/s.  Create your hook and send press releases to industry targeted media publications stating the “What, Where, When & Why.”

Design a Website — More and more diners look to the internet to help them choose a restaurant where they wish to dine.  According to a survey from the National Restaurant Association, 48% of adults check out a restaurant website.  Having a good website is a key component to your marketing mix.

Redesign the Menu — A boring outdated menu reflects your business and diners    will perceive a lower value for your restaurant.  Think of your menu as a merchandising and marketing tool.  A well written enticing and fresh menu, creates an atmosphere making diners wanting to come back for more.

Frequent Marketing — Your most valuable resource is your regular diners.  They provide you with 1/3 of your revenues, but also promote your restaurant through word of mouth. In order to be more profitable you need to increase your number of repeat guests.  Strategies to consider are; Loyalty programs, reward your regulars and Bounce Backs – offer an incentive to come back.

Host Events — Invite customers for specialty tastings, community events, business meetings, parties, entertainment.  This helps to attract new customers as well as give your regulars a reason to come back.

Up-Sell — One of the best way to improve profits is to increase the average check.  Train wait-staff to suggest appropriate side dishes, specialty dinners, desserts or drinks.  This will improve sales and improve customer relations.

Promote Take Out & Delivery Service — Communicate your take out and delivery service to your diners – promote on your website, have flyers, promotional cards at the host/hostess desk.

Email Marketing — Ask for email addresses, and create an email data base  for email marketing campaigns.  Email marketing is less expensive, saves on paper and is more likely to grab your customer’s attention.
Go Green — In today’s world eco-friendly is the way to go and will give you an edge over your competition.  Include this in your marketing campaign and show your diners that you conserve resources and reduce pollution.

Have a Contest — Have diners participate in a contest or giveaway – This is a great way to grab the attention of your regulars and get new diners involved as well. Publicize on your website, and your newsletter

The above information is great way to create a buzz and keep your customers wanting for more.  Be creative and think out of the box and your will not only fill your tables but turn them a number of times.