I must have writer’s block.   I want to blog but I’m not sure what to write about and confused as to who is my audience.  While I think my past blogs have been informative, transparent, and enlightening, who in cyber space is reading them?  Is it the working women, stay at home moms, women who work in their family business?


As I sat on a plane on my way to San Francisco, I looked out the window and gazed at the sea of clouds.  How beautiful, I thought and began to daydream.  My mind filled with many different thoughts’ family, friends, work, yes, work, I always think about work.  I obsess about work, new clients, making sure I completed my to do list, new marketing ideas.  Workaholic crossed my mind as I tried to shake the thoughts away.  There I was on my way to a family gathering and I am thinking business.  Ugh.


Suddenly my attention went to my blogs and I wondered why very few have joined my conversation over the past year.  Are my topics boring?  Or does everyone have all the answers.  Blogging can be a tool for learning, why not jump on the opportunity?


I know I don’t have all the answers, but my many years of life experience has taught me how to live life to the fullest despite the curve balls. Having been a past President of The National Association of Women Business Owners and facilitating many other women groups, including Women in The Family Business Forum, I am aware all women deal with similar challenges.  We struggle with control, empowerment, boundaries, communication, agendas, anger, love, friendships, and identity (all topics I’ve written about this past year).  And to confuse matters we are conflicted with our roles; mom, entrepreneur, caregiver, spouse, sister, grandmother, aunt….need I say more?


So here’s my call to action.  I want to hear from you today!   Tell me what’s on your mind. Tell me what you struggle with. Tell me what you want to read about.   Make your voice heard and help build a strong blogging community for women in which we can share and contribute valuable information that will make us forever strong!


Till next time…..keep on dancin’!