Strategies To Grow Your Business

Owning and operating a small business can be challenging and sometimes chaotic.  Getting sucked into the daily management of keeping your business running profitably and smoothly is inevitable.   However, if you take some time to invest in strategic planning you are then ready to take your business to the next level.

The business community knows that I put out “fires.” I want to share with you my philosophy for strategies to save you money, help you become profitable and achieve your desired results of building your business. I believe in the power of this process and know it can work for you as well.

Know your vision, your purpose, your mission and your core values. One of the most important jobs you have as the owner is being aware of your vision, articulating it and sticking to it.  Having clarity of your overall vision and purpose is key.  It will guide and influence the process of your strategic planning.

Once you understand why you are in business, ask yourself, what is my purpose.  Then identify the “what” behind it – your 3-5 year mission.  This should be inspirational, compelling and bold.  And with your purpose and mission in place you can focus on your core values.  This is known as the “how” of your business – what is true and what is your culture.

        How do you go about your work?

        How do you value yourself, your vendors and your employees?

        What do you want your customers/clients to experience?

Be clear on your strategy – once you’ve defined the why, what and how, you can now identify strategies to achieve your mission.  Examine your strengths, your resources, and achieve a strong ROI.  Focus on no more than 3-5 core strengths and you will be on the road to success.

Link your vision to Priorities Annually and Quarterly – this can be known as your methodology for strategic planning and will bridge the gap between your long-term vision and day to day operations.

Create a Rhythm for Your Success – once you know your strategy, stay focused for the long term.  It is important that you schedule productive meetings; daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually and evaluate your plan.  Make this an investment in your success and you will achieve it.