Questions To Ask Your Tax Preparer

When considering a tax preparer to prepare your taxes there are a few questions you should ask before agreeing to go forward.  Questions should include; how long have they been preparing tax returns?  What kind of training have they had? Are they familiar with new tax laws?  Are they available to respond to questions?  What happens if you are audited? 

Once you have agreed on the best tax preparer be sure to bring all your financial documents with you when you meet.

A suggested list is:    

            The tax package you received from the IRS

            Your W-2 forms that show your income and withheld taxes

            Any other forms ie; 1099’s that you’ve received

            Social Security #s & birth dates – yours, your spouse, your dependents

            Statements or receipts for tax related payments

            Cancelled checks for tax deductible payments

            A copy of last year’s tax return


Review your return for accuracy

Sign and date your return before filing – if it’s joint both parties must sign Your preparer should give you these instructions before filing

Ask if you will get a refund and when to expect it.

You must file your return even if you can’t pay the tax due. In addition to late payment penalties, there are penalties for late filing, which can be avoided if you file your return timely.  Ask your preparer the rules for requesting an installment payment plan with the IRS. Its not difficult to apply.

Be sure your tax preparer is experienced.  The right tax preparer can save you hundreds of dollars. 

We have been preparing tax returns for many years and know we can help you with the process—painlessly.