Did You Know……Blog Is Short For Weblog?

Are you aware of the importance of writing a blog?  If you are not blogging, you are missing out on many good opportunities.  Blogs gets your name out in the marketplace about your business and your products or services.  This is a great way to attract organic traffic to your website.  Check out the following facts about blogging.

Fact:  Blogs keep growing in value and in volume

There are 152,000,000 blogs on the internet

The population of blog readers keeps growing

Most people read blogs more than once a day & most read 5-10 blogs

Almost 40% of National businesses use blogs to enhance their marketing

2/3 of marketers say their company blog is very important to their business

Fact: Blogging can move the needle

Blog articles influence purchases

Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors

B2C companies that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those who don’t

B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who don’t

Frequency of blogging has a direct impact on lead generation

Feed Your bottom line — blog often.

Stats and figures provided by HubSpot.